I've missed going to party and meet the crew for a while now. I asked Fhuong to take my shift so i could go to Brammer's and Lukas's bday party~
I met Lina on my way in the bus <3 And then we went to Brammer's place. There were TONS of gossip going on in the room lol. Cant help it.. 80% were girls.. :I and love listening to gossip kukuku~ So much curiousity ( so 8 in chinese )
We didnt drink or anything at Brammer's place. Mostly chilled, chit chatted, ate and played some board game <3
After Brammers party i promised to go with Line to Lukas' at Valby. I dragged Zarah along with me, and after awhile Trine, Trini and Heavy showed up too <3 And then the party started 8D It was lots of a fun.
Been a while since i partied and got myself a bit tipsy~ Met some new and old awesome people, ran right across the street, missed the train, took a taxi and chit chatted with the taxi driver all the way LOL xD Well i got home safe and sound <3 Even tho it was a bit expensive...