Saturday, 2 March 2013 @ 18:11  1 stares

As my cousins are leaving in two days, we made one more mafia event at my place.
Even tho we couldnt find many to join because Carl has another event up at the same day :c
Lina, Khaled, Michael and Lucas was pretty much the only people that came, but it was awesome still.
Khaled sudden told me that it was his bday that day, so i went out in the morning to buy ingredience to make cakes :D
Im not sure if he knew i would make cake or if it came as a surprise.. ò ó but o well

One cake with strawberry and blueberry, the other with banana and ananas <3
The chocolate on the strawberry one melted ;~; i forgot to put it in the freezer lol.
Sis helped me <3

I had a rather gloomy morning... Cuz i got tired of waiting and people bailed... So i took a cup of coffee and then everything went up hill~ (for some reason coffee makes me hype and happy...)
We had fun <3 About 5-6 mafia games, and i was mostly game master all day.
Later we went to McD and came back for cake!

People started leaving because it got late. The remaining people played Tablo. Which is a boardgame my cousins introduced us for. Laughed a lot! So many stupid clumsy stuff happened lol.

I bought a new scented candle the same day. With white tea scent~ Is a freaking awesome solution for a stinky room as mine ! ò ó I love eating in my room... sigh...

The two small plants me and my sisters bought for my parents in HK finally grew! They look so freaking cute, it made me really want to plant something in my own room... But i hate flies and bugs. My ninja clapping bugs skill has been failing lately...