Jennifer came back from Canada so we finally found a date to hang out all 3 of us. Michelle, Jennifer and me! The 2 childhood friends, probably the ones that I've known for longest and still have contact with.
We met up at Sunset in Rødovre Centrum. Sat there forever because we didn't stop talking xD
The topic that I remember was Work, Boys(friends), Friends, Family, Equal rights, Childhood, School etc etc ! <3 The usual hahaha.
There wasn't really anything we needed to buy so we went to the library across the street instead. That library hold so many memories since me and Jennifer used to go there every week lol. Ofc I borrowed all the manga I could :I
So we killed time in the library until we got a little bit hungry for dinner time. We were in the library till we got thrown out = u =
We had our dinner in the Restaurant Butterfly.
We had a really nice time continue our endless talk. It was a super fun time where we laughed till our tummy hurts. Some 18+ talk and lots of random talk about the potato that Michelle ordered LOL.
We're definitly meeting up again ! This week! 8D
Wednesday I went out with Silas, Line and Andre ! Line had birthday recently and didn't really want any present she said. That didn't stop me lol. I found all my old sewing gear, dusted them off and made a little bunny for her <3 It failed a bit but still turned out cute enough xD
First we went to BubbleTea and surprisingly Line and Andre didn't like milk bubbletea D:
So I drank as much as I could of theirs xD I think the boss in TeaStyle remember me now since I started going there so often... Yet keep forgetting my stamp card..
After that we went to Restaurant Tokyo. Which was a really traditional japanese restaurant. It was a nice experience but not super impressive as I tho. Compared to HK price and the potion u get it was really expensive... And u didn't get that much. But what really fascinated me was how japanese it was. Now... I've never been in Japan, but it felt different from other japanese sushi shops in DK. Every waitress was japanese and was so over friendly that I almost felt uncomfortable. But they were so nice and cute <3

Yesterday (aka Saturday) I went to chinese buffe with gang. It was really nice <3 I also invited Fhuong to join me, hopefully she had fun too xD and liked my circle of friends.
I seperated from them afterwards and went to Zarah's place as planned. We were going out for a girls night <3
Getting ready at Zarah's place and played some dice drinking games <3 It was only me, Zarah and Trine but we had so much fun! To be honest in the start I wasn't really in party mood so I figured if I just drank enough I would be haha. They poured plenty of me because I was late so I didn't really have to worry about that xD
First we went to Miami bar but it seemed like they didn't really like it. Then we went to Zarah's work CPH downtown. There I got drunk after the pyramid game :I It was fun and I started getting all hype and happy, and it made all of us laugh over nothing.
And when they closed we went to a gay bar there Zarah's bf was <3 I met some new people. Victor, Maya and Geo (i think it was).
The creepy keychain to the key that opens the bathroom...
After that me and Trine went to Burger King. I whined for burger king the whole night, and when I finally had the burger in my hand I couldn't taste much because I was so drunk... Such a PITY! ò n ó I couldn't even eat it all because I didn't feel so good, so I went to give my Twisters to a sleeping homeless...
Mystery of the night: I swear I saw two Mayo when I opened the burger king bag...! But when I was done one of the Mayo disappeared... Either someone stole it or I saw double... So there was no Mayo for the homeless's twisters...
When we were going home it was so bright... around 4am? I was like "Say... Is the sun going down or up...?". Stupid me took a bus that stopped too early so I was left alone 30 min away from my place... Luckily Rasmus had a little bro that was in the same situation as me so he went out to drive his little brother home. And on his way he drove me home too, since it was nearby = u =b So nice.
I didn't really feel bad yday, only when I had to eat that burger.
And NO hangover! WIN! <3
Awesome days ! Sorry Hubby that I worried you!