Wednesday, 13 February 2013 @ 21:10
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Last year i kinda bailed Tse Jurn... We were suppose to go dinner, so i thought he got mad ever since. It was a relief finding out he wasnt at all xD This year i made sure to meet him. I met up him and her girlfriend, it was pretty crazy, for some reason i was super nervous... I remember when we were smaller he always bullied me and was the biggest meanie ever. I guess we really change when we grow up haha. He still have that cool - cold look and personality. But with way more warmer feelings. I was also scared that i would be in the way when he told me his gf is join us too.
It turned out that his girlfriend was a way more talkactive person than him haha. She was so nice <3
We went to eat at a super fascinating cafe. I kinda just followed them to wherever they was going. They suddenly turned into a really tiny and kinda dirty corner with a really right road. And went up the stairs in a old building. And yep, it was old and wasnt the fancy and clean place i usually would prefer. But this place was perfect. It was really tiny but the design had so much style. Its own style. The food was really good too. I just loved it! More than those fancy restaurants haha. Must go there again next time ! <3

I heard lots of gossip from his gf haha. Turns out this cool - cold guy act like a monkey in class and sing loudly. I wished to see that so badly with my own eyes !
Surprisingly he followed me to eat dinner with my mom.
A random jump to our home. Midnight food and game + fake nails <3
I went to meet Ching Yan this year too. She took her little sister with her and two other friends. They were all really sweet but awkwardness from time to time. We went to Chung Chow ( i think it was..) in a tiny ferry. It was nice. We basicly went there to eat cuz there was food all over the place! Street food. Yummy i got so much meat that i sadly dont have picture of... <3
And 5 gu mar's fantastic mango cake. One of my favorite dessert ever ;q; <3 <3 IS DOUBLE HEAVEN!