Yesterday when I was at work I got a headache. It wasn't that bad, but from time to time it could kick in and it would hurt like hell. When I kneed down to put down some plates it suddenly hurted really much... I almost felt like fainting for a moment there. It was only the left side that hurted. When I was finally home and finished shower + dinner I tried to sleep cuz my head was hurting so much I couldnt focus on anything else.
I couldnt sleep because the pain was only growing. This is the second time I tried this D: I sat up and my sight got blurry and I felt super dizzy... I threw up once - tried to sleep - went to bathroom and threw up again... My dad then dried my hair completely so I could sleep better.
After a forever two hour i finally fell asleep.
The next morning I searched up why I got so sick suddenly. It turned out that I probably had Migraine ò.ó
It sucked... Gotta take better care of myself...
Aside from that! Been working on some graphic stuff aside from restaurant work.

^ That's my working table <3 And my lovely tablet and sweet candle<3
Today Lina came over to my place to have a girly night <3 We used most of the time to chit chat, and then we played with make up. Since shes going to prom soon she wanted to borrow a dress. I think we tried almost every single one of my dresses, and I thought the red one was prettiest on her <3
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyy Sexy Ladddeeh~
Thursday, 28 March 2013 @ 01:23
0 stares
Uff <3 Jason's and this girl's whom i dont know new video is so sweet <3
It made me all fuzzy, so i wanted to share keke. I always wondered what kind of people these youtube famous idol is. Are they douches with all the frame? Or are they actually real sweethearts like shown on their videos? Maybe both?
Lately I've been seeing too many people with confidence that's way too high... So high that it piss me off...
Seriously need a break from all the sacastic jokes - I'm really in need of a girly night with hot chocolate, lots of pillows and just chit chat all day. And after all the chat i will not feel bad about myself and insecure. Instead i'll be happy and i can go home with a satisfied and silly smile.
Meeting up with Lina this friday <3 And later probably also Zarah, Line and Benedicte <3
Back to the video - It definitely brightened my night a little bit. Listening to it on repeat now ~ Kekekeke
Today me and Hubby have been together for 1000 days !
I know is nothing special... And is weird of me to count the days. But i didn't! I just had a counter on my phone that did the work!
1000 days... Almost 3 years ! We're going through lots of up and downs but everything normally works out in the end. Even though there might be a lot from of drama hes still the most precious. There are no other guy that could take so much bullshit from me and yet loves me <3 No matter how many other men i'll meet in the future he will always have his own box in my heart full of happy memories.
Through all these days he have from being a childhood crush to a part of my family. It's so natural that you are in my life now, that i probably would walk confused in a circles like a headless chicken if u were to disappear.
Even though i always break down and go "Lets end!" i know somewhere that i'll for sure run crying back to you, and you also will be there to welcome me back and forgive anything mean I've said.
You suck <3
Lets grow older and experience more together <3
Loves you <3
Here's a old silly video from Hong Kong. When we tested the camera's video function out <3
(I know my Ingelishe sucks. Don't judge.. ò.ó")
Wednesday, 20 March 2013 @ 22:25
2 stares
So i got a job two weeks ago ! Rose wrote on facebook that her uncle looked for helper in his restaurant, and since i worked in a cafe and loved it i thought why not. Its probably almost the same. Well i wrote to his uncle - the day after i got reply - a few hours after i went to interview - two days after i got the job. The first two days was really tiring and stressing, cuz i didnt know what to do and messed up many times haha. But after 2-3 days i got a hold of it and it went way smoother. The people there is super nice and the place isnt too big <3 Its good! I got some new friends and learned bunch of stuff.
The pictures below shows how the restaurant looks like <3
Some sticky notes here and there because i suck at remembering...
The uncle at the dinner table !
Cake from the sweet lady in the kitchen <3
And that is the place i stand everyday ! I work pretty often... But is not a bad thing. I came to love the job - also when i start working i'll forget all the other worries i have because i have to focused and smile :D So loving it so far <3
Sis and the two bros visitted me some days ago <3 (cuz i got them a 50% off card...)
I luckily got one day off and could join J-popcon saturday. I went with the restaurant's owner's daughter Mai Linh. Became close to her because we kinda worked together haha. It felt like i had a little sister along with me. Introduced her to all my fellows and she loved them <3
To be honest j-popcon wasnt anything special... The cosplay-show was boring... What i loved about j-popcon was the people im with and project chu ! <3 They are a dance crew from sweden that totally rocked the stage.
Nothing much happened. The whole day i either was over hyped because of over tiredness or super zombie-ish... but it was enjoyable <3 Next year it will probably be even more awesome :D <3
As my cousins are leaving in two days, we made one more mafia event at my place.
Even tho we couldnt find many to join because Carl has another event up at the same day :c
Lina, Khaled, Michael and Lucas was pretty much the only people that came, but it was awesome still.
Khaled sudden told me that it was his bday that day, so i went out in the morning to buy ingredience to make cakes :D
Im not sure if he knew i would make cake or if it came as a surprise.. ò ó but o well
One cake with strawberry and blueberry, the other with banana and ananas <3
The chocolate on the strawberry one melted ;~; i forgot to put it in the freezer lol.
Sis helped me <3
I had a rather gloomy morning... Cuz i got tired of waiting and people bailed... So i took a cup of coffee and then everything went up hill~ (for some reason coffee makes me hype and happy...)
We had fun <3 About 5-6 mafia games, and i was mostly game master all day.
Later we went to McD and came back for cake!
People started leaving because it got late. The remaining people played Tablo. Which is a boardgame my cousins introduced us for. Laughed a lot! So many stupid clumsy stuff happened lol.
I bought a new scented candle the same day. With white tea scent~ Is a freaking awesome solution for a stinky room as mine ! ò ó I love eating in my room... sigh...
The two small plants me and my sisters bought for my parents in HK finally grew! They look so freaking cute, it made me really want to plant something in my own room... But i hate flies and bugs. My ninja clapping bugs skill has been failing lately...