Sorry for this long update ò ó... Lazy to make it into two posts.
The last days in Sweden.
So this is how we were spending the days gaming beside each other 8D lool
Pizza deliverer~
After being stuck at home for days because of the rain, we went out to get some delicious food <3
Super sunny!
Random mr tree hugging
I wanted to make a heart but he stabbed me instead :c
awesome japanese restaurant... (After sitting down found out is was freaking expensive... fuck it)
Dat curry... It was worth it ;q; So delicious !! <3 <3 <3
Sushi and green tea ice cream <3
Saturday we went to try paintball ! 8D My first time ever ! Virgin paintball!
Loong transport time... We had to go all the way back to Stockholm again and meet up with the others, and then drive even further away.
We got so hungry in the train :c Got all dizzy..
Near the paintball place
The suits was killing in the heat...
I dunno... 8D
Tinge's smexy leg
It was super fun xD The first round i was super scared... U hear all about how much it hurts, so i kept on following behind my cousin lol
A break at Kinshan's take away
Grabbed some food at subway~
The last day we just chilled most of the time. We bought in for taco and some dessert.
The blue mark i got from paintball (when i hiding behind a tree). The blue mark turned from red to blue to purple and now is yellow .__. and double as big..
Flying back to Denmark ! This time i didnt cry ! :D
Off flight rasmus came and drove me home with all my stuff. Chilled at my place a short while and got some ice cream then we headed to Sushi! 8D
We filled 4 table with 8 seats xD Missed all my friends <3
Had a great time with lots of laughing
Then we headed to the new bubbletea place in Fisketorvet
When we were done with bubbletea the other half of the group was about done with the movie. So we waited for them.
Chit chatting and then we split 8D
Maid Cafe work have to start now! ò-ó 8th me Eva and Julia had to buy fabric for the maid dresses.
Met Eva at the station.. When we got off the train it started pouring down D: We were stuck under the bridge for a while. Then we ran to McD.
Had to make some changes ont he maid dress to make it easier to sew <3
Then fabric choosing ! Took us forever ! xD
The next day i had a date with Kitty <3 Celebrate that we both got into Design school.
Bubbletea <3
We met Sofie and Adam randomly ! Ended up with lots of gossip talking and then we all 4 headed for steak !
Jensens Bøfhouse <3
Yum Yum Yum <3
It was Kitty's first time ever trying a real steak! It was lots of fun ! Sofie and Adam had to leave early for movie so me and Kitty stayed and chit chatted. Then after a hour or something we decided to get dessert lool. We were sitting there for so long ._. probably hours.. It was really enjoyable day =u=b
Must do it again! :D <3

Kitty loved the steak 8D