No more Malta! :D Now just basicly what have happened since last time. I baked muffins! For years i havent baked... I tried here! And its a okay succes! It was eatable and it tasted really good (I think!) 8D But only once a time.. Cuz too much chocolate. The middle was creamy chocolate while the top was a lil bit chipsy.
Then i finally met Lucas which i knew for around 2-3 years online. Together with his friend Rasmus. In the start it was abit awkward but it ended up nice! And they made me laugh a lot lol XD On this pic Rasmus making food for us the lazy bump XD

I also went to Sakura festival! I met Heavy Tung, Trini, Mai, Allan, Shiro, Takeru and bla bla many more! It was super fun! I really love going to those festival instead of party with classmate tbh XD... When going out with the classes you'll have the pressure to be social.. I feel way more welcomed no matter how u look like (even if u look like shit) and everyone is extremely friendly <3 I regret a little bit i didnt sunday too..
I applyed to Maid Cafe for the coming Genki! Yup! Planning to go this year as my first! I always wanted to wear a Maid outfit after all! So it will be super!! <3

RIGHT NOW I REALLY REALLY WANT A CANON CAMERA! Those! Im saving up atm. I wanna learn more about photographs! to thats my next goal! kekeke <3
Ofc cant miss out my bf while talking so much on a post!
The summer vacation is close after all! And this 29th June we'll have our 1 year anniversary ! Hopefully we'll be together. Planning to stay at my place for some time and then go to his place. To visit both side parents. Missing really much :/ Been some months since we met. Is hard having distance... So Heki! Hurry come over! And yup. Still dovey as always XD
(--> Great shot ryt? Cute ryt? XD)
My.. It been yeas since I wrote! So I thought I should start writing again. There's just too much to write about... So I decided to put it in two post. This first one is gonna be about my Malta trip that is from a while ago... I promised someone to write it tho! D: Where should we start... The trip itself was pretty good. The weather was fantastic ._. Too fantastic to be honest... Many of our classmates got sick from the strong sun. Even our teacher got sick... I was sick the whole week we were there. Not seriously sick. Just much allergy and slightly cold. Malta was beautiful is many ways! The food was great!
I learned that Malta's special dishes is rabbit ._. I only took one bite of that...
For the FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE I went to bar/Disco. My first time is with my whole class (LOL that could be misunderstood)
I didnt got drunk or anything. Just danced a lot. And it was fun. It was the first night after all. Slowly I found out that wasnt the end... Every night my room mate came home 6am. EVERYDAY! no joke.. The whole class went to disco every night! Coming home not quiet, but hella noisy with loud music in the hotel hallway! Jumping onto the bed when they're all half drunk. The funny part is seeing them all about to throw up after the hang over, next morning in the bus 9am. Ofc I wasnt one of them. I only went with them the first and last night. But both nice i came home 12 or 2. Else the whole week i been going to bed 12 or something. Writing diary, reading while having ipod on. Totally peace lol. The "Your not being social" is.. Yea.. I couldn't care less.. XD Basicly it wasnt BAD. I didnt got mad at them at all for waking me every day 6am. But kind of opened my eyes to see the drama for drunk classmate. The whole trip was like paradise hotel... no joke. But after the trip i got really tired of the class... Not hating. I just needed my own life back with no drama. So i rejected all the party, meet up etc afterwards lol.
Now lets talk about the pictures. From left side to down right side. 1 picture is somewhere in the museum with orange tree! Lol. It looked really nice 8D .2 Is the street full with bars and discotek. We went to a few.. .3 Is just a cute stalker pic .4 nice cake from Pizzahut! I forgot to use the coupons! ;_; .5 SUPER nice pasta! I really miss it! Its probably what i miss most. The food in the restaurant paparazzi! .6 At the cliff.. I didnt get up there on the top. Even tho i wanted to, i ended up fooling around in the water .7 Nice pic i took 8D Stalked them. They were EVERYWHERE! cute ne? XD
Moving to next post <3