No more Malta! :D Now just basicly what have happened since last time. I baked muffins! For years i havent baked... I tried here! And its a okay succes! It was eatable and it tasted really good (I think!) 8D But only once a time.. Cuz too much chocolate. The middle was creamy chocolate while the top was a lil bit chipsy.
Then i finally met Lucas which i knew for around 2-3 years online. Together with his friend Rasmus. In the start it was abit awkward but it ended up nice! And they made me laugh a lot lol XD On this pic Rasmus making food for us the lazy bump XD

I also went to Sakura festival! I met Heavy Tung, Trini, Mai, Allan, Shiro, Takeru and bla bla many more! It was super fun! I really love going to those festival instead of party with classmate tbh XD... When going out with the classes you'll have the pressure to be social.. I feel way more welcomed no matter how u look like (even if u look like shit) and everyone is extremely friendly <3 I regret a little bit i didnt sunday too..
I applyed to Maid Cafe for the coming Genki! Yup! Planning to go this year as my first! I always wanted to wear a Maid outfit after all! So it will be super!! <3

RIGHT NOW I REALLY REALLY WANT A CANON CAMERA! Those! Im saving up atm. I wanna learn more about photographs! to thats my next goal! kekeke <3
Ofc cant miss out my bf while talking so much on a post!
The summer vacation is close after all! And this 29th June we'll have our 1 year anniversary ! Hopefully we'll be together. Planning to stay at my place for some time and then go to his place. To visit both side parents. Missing really much :/ Been some months since we met. Is hard having distance... So Heki! Hurry come over! And yup. Still dovey as always XD
(--> Great shot ryt? Cute ryt? XD)